welcome to your new signature scent!

I first head of Valeria's work through my breathwork teacher training. I was speaking to a fellow student about New Orleans-based healers, and she mentioned The Mexican Witch. Since first hearing about Valeria, it has become clear to me that she a big impact and important voice in New Orleans and beyond.

I admire her wisdom, her passion for sharing and incorporating her culture into her work, and her style. I've learned so much from her immense knowledge of limpias, deities, and everything in between. She embodies the essence of a Smoke Sister, and I feel luck to have her in the New Orleans community of healers and inspiring, powerful women.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your work, and where we can find you?
My name is Valeria, more popularly known by my Instagram name The Mexican Witch. I am a professional bruja, spiritual guide, and creative genius! I was born in the land of the Raramuri people in Delicias, Chihuahua in Mexico.

Bruja is the Spanish word for witch. I grew up around the mystic my entire life, and as an adult I developed my passion for magick and tarot. Reading tarot is my most special gift! I use my psychic skills to help people on their healing journeys and help them connect to the spiritual world. I started my journey reading tarot a few years ago and moved to New Orleans from Boston after college to fulfill my dreams of being a full time reader. Since then, I have been featured in Cosmopolitan, The Hoodwitch and Spotify.

Besides my magick, I am also really passionate about social justice and destroying racism! On my Instagram, I like to create motivational and empowering content so that people can embrace their inner witch. I am a firm believer that adding witchcraft and magick to your spirituality can really be beneficial. I call myself a creative genius because when I am not reading tarot, I am a painter, model and much more. I love all things spiritual and occult.

I read tarot via phone call, video call and in person. You can find me and book with me at themexicanwitch.com


Where were you in life ten years ago, and did you ever see yourself where you are now?
I was only 15! I was a confused and angsty teen. I do remember being very independent and tenacious. I had begun motivational speaking and was already very politically active.

I absolutely didn't see this path coming. I found tarot at a very critical point in my life when I was depressed, and it saved me from sinking too deep.

Where do you derive strength? What gives you the fortitude to keep going when the going gets tough?
I find strength in MYSELF, but also with my spiritual guides and ancestors. I feel that I am very protected by those who are around me, and that gives me strength. I know that my family's prayers protect me, and I always feel accompanied by spirit and God/Goddess.

I also always point to the fact that my identity as a witch gives me strength because I have built a tough, resilient energy through my magick practice. A lot of people fear witches, and I think in some ways this serves to protect my energy, especially when it comes to men. 

What is one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced, and how did you overcome that challenge?
I have always struggled with caring too much about what others think of me. I still consider this one of my biggest challenges. I need to remind myself consistently that I am not here to please others. My meditation practice has helped me with this, especially when I have a lot of anxiety.

What is an early or favorite scent memory you have? What comes to mind when you imagine your favorite scent?
I am actually very scent driven and I tend to get "smell visions" when spirits are around. My favorite scent is probably any type of Mexican food because I grew up around my great grandmother who was a bruja and chef and my mother who takes after her! My favorite scents are typically woodsy and striking. Some of my favorite scents are cannabis and palo santo.

Self-care: What is one non-negotiable self-care ritual that you try to regularly attend to?
Reading my own cards! I love to hear from spirit the messages I need to enlighten and uplift me. I also LOVE having big meals. To me, self care is very indulgent. I am known to eat a dozen tacos on a good self care day. Besides that, I enjoy cannabis, meditation, and sound therapy.

Nature: We take great inspiration from travel & nature. What is the most inspiring natural place you've ever been to and why?
I LOVE traveling in New Mexico. Their hiking trails are striking. I found a "miracle" spring on one of the trails, and I remember feeling it's healing powers immediately. The entire state of New Mexico holds my favorite nature spots.

What is your favorite Smoke product?
I love the Full Moon Rose Body Oil because it is so luscious and sensual!

What is your greatest hope for the future?
In the future, I want to be the best me possible! I want to be widely known for what I do, and I definitely hope to live abroad in Barcelona Spain. One of my wildest dreams is to get paid to make art, so hopefully that happens too!